Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Perfect Gift

All I can say is "Wow! They get me." Last month Susan and I traveled to Denver for my annual biology teachers conference and while we were there we discovered this fantastic independent bookstore downtown called The Tattered Cover. We spent three hours in there browsing, reading, drinking hot coffee, and wishing we had a similar place in Alabama. While I was perusing the bookshelves I came upon an interesting little tome called Homework for Grownups. It's a fun refresher course on all the stuff we learned in school but have long since forgotten. I was so tempted to buy it. I considered and reconsidered. I finally put it back on the shell thinking that now that I have a kindle, I need to limit my purchases of real books.

Last week Susan and I received a xmas package from my cool brother, the Brent and Caroline Evans family. We opened up their thoughtful gift and found a treasure trove of candies, gift cards, and a wrapped book. I opened the book and my jaw hit the floor. Homework for Grownups! They nailed me! Thank you, thank you Brent, Caroline, Brady, Megan, and Elliot! I have read half of it already and love it.


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