Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Dr. Evans you are killing baseball!

My BIO 101 class turned into the bane of the LBW Saints baseball team a few weeks ago. Several of them were deathly afraid of losing their places on the team and their scholarships because they didn't think they would pass my introductory biology class. I don't blame them since they decided to see if they could makeup 14 weeks of homework during the two remaining weeks of school. In the end, due to a significant rescaling of their grades, these "student" athletes survived to play again.

I can't say as much for some members of the basketball team. I couldn't scale their final scores high enough to get them to a D. So unfortunately, the local herd of roundballers has been thinned a little.

Frankly I have seen very little evidence that academics and sports meet. There have been a few exceptions but for the most part the student athletes I have taught in my classes are disruptive, dishonest, and lazy. What are we rewarding?


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