Friday, March 26, 2010

Stitches gone

Susan got her stitches (I mean "sutures") removed from her eyes. She said the worse part was clipping the medial pair. We stopped at the Atlanta Bread Company in Dothan for lunch afterwards and had French Onion Soup and Sandwiches. My veggie was great but it needed some spicy mustard. Susan only got one strange look from a woman at the coke machine. Her eyes still look battered but she says she feels better to be free of the stitches.

We bought a cooked boston butt and made bbq sandwiches for dinner....mmmmm tasty! Mr. B may not get some after watching Mumsy and Pappy go to town on that piece of pork paradise.

After 8 months of not running, I dusted off my jogging shorts and hit the nature trail (1.8 miles) and much to my amazement ran the whole way without a coronary or a stroke. Only 5.2 more miles and I'll be ready for the Bix.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Charm School For Mr. B

Our precious puppydog Mr. B is halfway through his month-long obedience training school. He is learning how to heel, stay, come when called, and be social with other dogs and people. We miss him terribly. He gets home on April 2nd.

Susan had surgery on Friday to correct her baggy eyelids. They were starting to block her vision. She looks like a battered woman. Thank goodness for pain meds. She is a real trooper. She went back to work today.

I am off for Spring break and so I am digging on the extra shut eye and pajama time. Being able to drink coffee and read the New York Times cover to cover in the morning has been heaven.