Sunday, January 17, 2010

First Week of Classes

We survived the first week of classes without stroke, seizure, or acts of, that was close. Mr. B was none too happy though be left at home alone after having Shane and Susan home with him all day for two weeks. He didn't take it well and now a few cherished pillows are no more.

The start of Spring semester isn't as cheery and optimistic as the beginning of Fall. I tried my hardest not to dash any hopes. I count myself lucky not to be stuck with an overload this semester but I do have four preps. Although it pains me, physical science and animal/plant biology are going to stay in their canned versions. However I am teaching BIO 102 for the first time in 6 years.

BIO 102 is my favorite class because it covers three of my favorite topics: evolution, ecology, and natural history. I have a small class, 9 well-adjusted students. The only problem is that I haven't figured out a way to assess their learning. The learning checks I tried last semester in 101 were a good idea but were poorly executed by me so I promised them they wouldn't suffer through them again. My dream is to make the course like a graduate seminar. We could gather around a table and discuss readings and make informal presentations. I also want to make their labs interesting, open-ended, and enjoyable. It is nice to dream.

Anatomy and Physiology is undergoing the biggest change. I am trimming and pruning a bunch of the early material to spend more time on muscles, special senses, and the nervous system later in the semester. I am also trying case studies, constructivist, 5E model, and problem-based learning activities. My course up until now has been extremely lecture-heavy and book centered. The problem I have been facing has been finding problems for a couple of the early organ systems: skin, joints, bones. It is no trouble finding nervous system case studies. I have a feeling they are the easiest ones to write.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Icicles in South Alabama

We have icicles in South Alabama. I let Mr. B out for a morning squirrel chase and he came waltzing in with a foot-long piece of ice. He loves chewing on ice. I looked outside and our chronically dripping hose has created the prettiest little ice sculpture.

We have had some pretty chilly temperatures all week. I took Mr. B on our usual evening trek across the golf course and eventhough I was all bundled up I got really cold. And there was some cloud cover. I can't imagine how cold it would have been if it had been clear.

Thank you Canada!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

We lucked out and went out for a night of fun New Years Eve at the home of Linda and Steve Cuevas. Our gracious hosts had a lovely spread of Corned Beef (symbolizing 'health') and Cabbage (symbolizing 'wealth') plus Hoppin' John. We all grazed, drank tasty alcoholic beverages, and rocked out to classic tunes. Steve and Linda's sons, Andrew and Joseph treated us to a wild and beautiful fireworks display while we warmed ourselves by a toasty bonfire. Poor little Toto was a nervous wreck and stayed indoors until all the booms and pops were over.

Susan brought her favorite toy--a green laser, and by the light of the blue Moon, pointed out the stars of Orion and the Pleides. It was great seeing all of our close buds, Candace and Todd, Marcus and Jo, John Blue, and Linda's Mom and Pop. It was wonderful and I am grateful to have been saved from watching all those terrible and depressing New Years Eve TV show. Here's to a happy and prosperous new year!