Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween Festivities

It had been 22 years since I last wore a costume for Halloween so it was a pretty momentous event when I stopped shaving, put on some running shoes, cargo pants, t-shirt, stethoscope, and a cane. Can you guess who I went as? House! I know you're thinking, where's the blazer and the bottle of vicodin? Well I was too lazy to buy a blazer. And the vicodin?...I guess I could've carried a box of tic tacs. Did I tell you I am lazy?

So why the costume? Well, Susan and I were invited to a Halloween party thrown by our art friends Linda and Steve Cuevas. After a lovely nap on Saturday afternoon Susan and I drove out to River Falls. We missed the turnoff to Yonder Road (I'm not joking...it is a real street) and while we were turning around in a church parking lot Susan accidently ran us off into a ditch. It was dark so she didn't see it. I jumped out and with my mighty guns (alright pea shooter) pushed us out.

The party was quite fun. Linda was dressed as Cleopatra and Steve looked like Crocodile Dundee. Aurelia and Joe were the only other artsy friends who came. Linda and Steve did have a full house with their friends and relatives. We got to meet her mom, dad, and uncle Larry. Their home was decorated beautifully. We especially liked the spooky eyes taped to the windows lit by a black lite. After a meal of killer ribs, we did a comic murder mystery play. I was the murderer. Only one person guessed I was the one who did it. I even got a prize for wearing a costume -- candy necklace. Steve made Susan several tasty mixed drinks and gave us each a pineapple spear soaked in Rum..Scrumdelicious.

Linda showed us her recent art projects and gave Susan some detailed and tiny mardi gras masks she made out of polymer clay and painted by hand. The weather was spectacular...full moon and a C night. The stars were amazing...The Summer Triangle was up in the west and to the east Orion and the Pleiades shown in all their glory. And to make it even better, the clocks rolled back and we got an extra hour of sleep.

Lame Joke of the Post: What is a witch's favorite subject in school? Spelling!