Sunday, October 25, 2009

Mr. B the Moray Eel

Our scabs are healing quite nicely as Basil the German Shepherd turns 5 months old and calms down in the "let's maul Shane and Susan" department. He is growing like a seaweed and we estimate is now close to 50 pounds of furry energy, smarts, and vocal commentary. I personally think he now has an inflated ego due to our oft-repeated "pet-name" Handsome Boy but it has been tempered by the equally common nom de guerre Crazy Man.

We actually think he may turn out to be a fine dog thanks to Susan's constant attention to discipline and field trips to Hayfield studio (thanks to Jo and Marcus Kelley), Lake Armstrong, and the LBW campus.

We spent last weekend pet-sitting for Lou and Lonnie Rich in their lovely Navarre bayside home. Basil had a blast tormenting poor Ms. River whose Golden Retriever ears looked like a bad perm after suffering from a zillion puppy bites and 10 gallons of Basil spit. During a much-needed timeout Susan and I stole away to nearby Pensacola (bastion of civilization) for a scrumptious lunch of Spinach and Ricotta Pizza at the Tuscan Oven (hard to beat a crust baked in a wood-fired oven), an hour of browsing in Craft Mecca (Michael's), school supply shopping at Office Depot, a much-needed Wine resupply from World Market, and take-out from my favorite restaurant (Macaroni Grill). We are still grieving over the loss of the Montgomery franchise...Please come back, we are in withdrawals!

Poor Susie has come down with a nasty cold that has continued to linger on. Is snot supposed to be green? She went to work ill for several days. Guilt, revenge, and future sick days...why not take a sick day when you feel good? Plus, like George Constanza, Susan has discovered that she can hide and nap under her desk when the crud is at its worse.

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